Minggu, 26 Desember 2010


I always listen MJ songs
he's cool
make me feel peace
love you

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Ranking 21

lo tau, gue ga pernah dapet ranking dibawah 10. Dan sekarang di semester pertama gue dapet ranking 21. Tapi emang di kelas gue anaknya pinter-pinter. Dan yang ranking 1 itu Sterren, ranking 2 itu gita. Temen deket gue. Gea, anak yang suka nyeritain kisah nabi Muhammad dan nyeramahin gue dapet ranking 8. Hirari temen sekelas gue waktu kelas 3 SD ranking 9. Oh Tuhan, angka 21 itu buruk banget. Emang sih nilai gue pas-pasan, tapi matematika gue 80 koma berapa gitu. Alhamdulillah.

Dan di akhir semester nanti gue janji gue bakal dapet ranking diatas 15. Dan bisa masuk IPA. Itu penentuan, bagi gue ga masuk ipa itu sama aja kita masuk neraka.

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010


You know, this week is the most thankfull week. Why? Because,this week is semester test. And, my chemistry score is 80,4. That's amazing. Cause at tuesday night, my chemistry teacher was not on duty. That was amazing. And my mathematic score is 70,83 I'm so proud of myself. But now, i don't know about my biology score. And, I'm really really happy about my Mandarin score. 92, how about that. I thougth that i can't get that score. Wow.
And My next target is Science Class
I can reach that!